Incorrect Information Provided by the Tour Operator

Incorrect Information Provided by the Tour Operator

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in joined cases C-650/23 and C-705/23 that a passenger who had a confirmed booking for a flight on the basis of a package tour can claim compensation from the operating air carrier within the meaning of Art 7 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 even if incorrect information provided by the tour operator led to the passenger believing that the flight originally booked would not be operated, although it took place as planned.

The decision concerns a flight from Heraklion (Greece) to Linz (Austria). One day before the scheduled departure, the passenger was informed by the tour operator of a change in flight times and the destination airport. For this reason, the passenger did not show up for check-in for the flight in question. However, the flight was actually carried out as planned; the tour operator’s information was therefore incorrect. The passenger then demanded compensation from the operating air carrier and based his claim on Article 4 of Regulation (EC) 261/2004 (denied boarding). The Schwechat District Court awarded him this compensation, but the airline appealed against this decision to the Korneuburg Regional Court. The airline’s two main arguments were the missing of the facts of denied boarding and the lack of accountability of a rebooking by the tour operator.

The Regional Court of Korneuburg initiated a preliminary ruling procedure and wanted to know from the European Court of Justice whether a passenger who has a confirmed booking as part of a package tour can claim compensation from the operating airline if the tour operator has informed the passenger without prior consultation with the airline that the booked flight will not be carried out, although in reality it took place as planned.

Referring to its previous case law and the aim of Regulation (EC) 261/2004 to ensure a high level of protection for passengers, the European Court of Justice ruled that the operating air carrier is liable for incorrect information provided by the tour operator to passengers regarding the rescheduling or cancellation of a flight. Furthermore, the ECJ referred to the possibility of the operating air carrier to have recourse against the tour operator in accordance with Art. 13 of the Regulation.

Don’t hesitate to contact our Aviation Team to learn more about passsenger claims in Austria.